Terms of Service

Version 1.0.0, updated 3 Nov. 2024.

1. Who can use CamoMail?

The use of CamoMail services is strictly limited to friends and family members of the administrators only.

2. Prohibited activities

By using CamoMail, you respect the fact that the following behaviors are not allowed on the platform:

  • Perpetuating or contributing to harassment or abuse of others.
  • Promoting hate speech or discriminating a person on the basis of their disability or their belonging to an ethnic, religious, sexual or gender minority. Please note that "reverse-discriminations" (such as, but not limited to, "racism against white people", "sexism against cis men" or "heterophobia") are not a thing and therefore, can not be covered by these terms.
  • Using the service to engage in denial of service or other types of attacks, including trying to gain unauthorized access to a system.
  • Sending or distributing spam/malwares.
  • Impersonating another person.
  • Distributing copyrighted material.
  • Performing illegal activities.
  • Performing commercial activities.
  • Harming others.
  • Doxing.

To report any activity listed above, please send an email to abuse at camomail.org (PGP).

3. Responsibility for content

CamoMail is not responsible for any content published on any of our services. If we find that content is violating our terms of use, we reserve the right to remove it.

4. Warranty

CamoMail services are provided as is, without warranty of any kind.

5. Account termination

CamoMail may terminate any account engaging in prohibited activities listed in Section 2.

6. Changes to these terms

These terms are subject to change at any time. Any change made to these terms (other than a correction of a typographical or grammatical error) will be announced to all users by email at least one week before it is enforced.